Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Rice Fields (Also way overdue!)

Although I have long since graduated, I decided that it would be a good time to use one of the nice perks that I'm offered as a university employee and take a class for fun.  This semester, I picked a freshman-level digital photography class and have been having a blast.  For one of our assignments, we were asked to submit photographs highlighting the importance of using light to your advantage.  As luck would have it, Casey and I picked a day with fascinating weather for a hike right as this assignment was in session.  It led to some neat photos.

Rice fields used to be a much longer, much more challenging hike, but at some point in the last several years, the AT was rerouted and the parking coordinates changed.  As a result, the hike is now only about 5 miles round trip and quite a nice little jaunt to the top.

AT Marker as the trail clears to the "overlook" (not so much to overlook on this day!)

Midway up the trail

Spider web

Another web

More foggy trail

Casey at the top in front of the "views"